A Member of:
Strengthening Communities to Fight Hunger with Food, Education, and Advocacy

In the early 1980's volunteers for organizations serving the poor in Wichita Falls wanted to centralize food procurement for hunger relief. Their efforts, coupled with support from the Community Action Corporation, created the Wichita Falls Area Food Bank in January 1982 - only the sixth food bank in Texas at that time. Within months the Food Bank was able to incorporate as an independent 501(c)(3) organization.
Initially food was collected in a borrowed warehouse and distributed across three North Texas counties. In 1983 the Food Bank relocated to the facility it currently occupies at 1230 Midwestern Parkway after the University Kiwanis Club of Wichita Falls sponsored its construction. Facility expansions were accomplished in 1995, 2000 and 2010.
Over the years the service area has also expanded, and the Food Bank now feeds the hungry in twelve North Texas counties.

Archer, Baylor, Clay, Foard, Haskell, Jack, Knox, Montague, Throckmorton,
Wichita, Wilbarger, Young

The Wichita Falls Area Food Bank provides food directly to our partners - qualified charitable agencies offering food assistance and/or feeding programs. These agencies then distribute the food, free of charge, to their hungry clients. The types of agencies that partner with us at the Food Bank served include emergency pantries, youth programs, senior citizen programs, soup kitchens, rehab centers, shelters, halfway houses, and low-income day care centers.
Food comes to the Food Bank from a variety of sources: local food drives, area growers, wholesalers and retailers with edible but unsaleable food, other food banks like Feeding America and its affiliates, and the Texas Commodities Assistance Program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. To keep a balanced inventory, some high-demand food products are purchased by the Food Bank.
Donated food is inspected, sanitized and properly stored until it is requested by a partner agency.