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What can you do to help?

With this outbreak and school closings, there will be increased demand for the services that the Wichita Falls Area Food Bank provides. Whether it's after-school programs or increased needs from any number of our 180 partners and programs.


With that being said and with some of our partners already canceling distributions, the best

way to help at the moment is with a monetary donation. With every dollar donated we can purchase up to 2 meals worth of food. This will go extremely far to help feed the in-need families, seniors, and children in our area and allow us to replenish stock that will soon be flying off the shelves of our warehouse.

Please consider making a donation today to help your hungry friends and neighbors.

A statement about covid-19

We understand that many are worried about the Covid-19 outbreak and how that would affect

the Wichita Falls Area Food Bank, pantry distributions, and our children's programs.


At this moment things are still very fluid. We are closely monitoring the situation and working with Feeding Texas and Feeding America to try to mitigate any interruptions in food delivery.

We will update our website and social media regularly with any updates.


With any distributions that are held through Mobile Pantry, Produce Express, and our partner agencies, please follow CDC best practices to avoid COVID-19 infections.


  • Practice social distancing - stay at least 6ft. apart

  • Wash your hands often especially after being in a public place - lather for 20 seconds

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth

  • Consider the health of others - you can carry COVID-19 and show no symptoms


click the button below to learn more on how to protect yourself

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WICHITA FALLS AREA FOOD BANK  1230 Midwestern Parkway Wichita Falls, TX 76302

940-766-2322          M-F 8am-5pm

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Copyright © 2024 Wichita Falls Area Food Bank. All Rights Reserved. The Wichita Falls Area Food Bank believes in conducting business with the utmost honesty and integrity. Lighthouse Services allows the Food Bank to uphold these principles by acting as a tool for community members, including Food Bank staff, to submit confidential reports, suggestions, or complaints to a third party who helps Food Bank administration resolve issues while maintaining professional standards. The Wichita Falls Area Food Bank is a non-profit and a tax-exempt 501(c)(3). WFAFB abides by the USDA Nondiscrimination Statement - Please find the full statement here.

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