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You Give Kids Strength for Success!

This fall, numerous local kids can count on a nutritious meal after school five days a week, thanks to the food you help provide through the Food Bank’s Kids Cafe program.

At one Kids Cafe site, the Central Unit of the Boys and Girls Club of Wichita Falls, between 60 and 95 meals are served to students each day after school.

This past summer, that number increased to around 150 meals served daily, including both lunch and a snack. Without free and reduced–price school meals, the food kids received through Kids Cafe during June, July and August was even more critical.

Dymeterion Wade serves as Kids Cafe coordinator for the Central Unit and says they began offering the program there in 2017. Since then, he says many families have come to rely on the program to help provide meals for their kids.

“It’s a blessing,” he says of the Kids Cafe.

Each meal contains a protein, fruit, grain and milk. Dymeterion says the kids’ especially love the burritos, chicken nuggets and breakfast food.

Parents have told Dymeterion their children wouldn’t have anything to eat at all some days were it not for the meals you help provide through Kids Cafe. And without good nutrition, these kids would be at a disadvantage in school, and in life.

“Not everyone has the heart to give,” Dymeterion says. “Thank you — it helps a lot of kids.”

It takes an extra special person to look out for their neighbors — a person just like you. Thank you for sharing what you have on behalf of your neighbors in need!

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