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Your Support Brings Relief to Local Families

Cayleane picks up bags of healthy food for her family at Clay County Mission Pantry in Henrietta.

Cayleane grew up in the small town of Bellevue. Although she’s on her own now and making college plans, Cayleane still does what she can to help her family — like pick up groceries for them from Clay County Mission Pantry, a Food Bank partner in Henrietta.

You see, Cayleane’s mom, Natasha, is having trouble providing enough food for her 6-year-old sister. Natasha’s raising her on her own and has been struggling to find work since she lost her housekeeping job. Their budget tightens over the summer when Natasha must cover the free meals her daughter typically eats at school.

Even if they had money for groceries, the closest supermarket is at least a 20-minute drive from Bellevue. Cayleane’s always happy to make the drive to Henrietta so her mom can look for work, save on gas and fill the family table with healthy food.

Cayleane plans to study biology and hopes her little sister will follow in her footsteps by focusing in school, working hard and going to college, too. Your gifts will help fuel Cayleane and her sister’s future success — their family is so grateful.

“Thank you for all that you donate and all the time that you volunteer,” Cayleane says on behalf of her family.

Your gifts make a real difference in the lives of your neighbors facing hunger. Thank you for sharing what you have!

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